Piotr Dudek, Jerzy J. Sobczak

Hybrid HPDC&HSC technology


The article presents the history and current state of the technology of external pressure casting in the case of High Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) and Squeeze Casting (SC). The similarities and differences between the two technologies and the common areas that were used in the construction of modern hybrid machines combining the features of HPDC and SC were shown. Recent years have seen the development of pressure machine designs that have enabled the hybridisation of technologies with high flexibility of the process, consisting in the choice of such a method of applying external pressure in which its influence can be more effectively used as a thermodynamic factor. The following experiments were presented in the field of liquid and solid-liquid casting, obtained from research conducted at the Foundry Research Institute in Kraków.

Keywords: High Pressure Die Casting, Squeeze Casting, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, metal matrix composites,
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